Monday, 9 February 2015

Why do Dog Pose?

I love the Sanskrit names for yoga postures. Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the better known postures, often, dare I say it, referred to as Down Dog. Aah the sacrilige! Its like calling your beloved "the wife". Lets open ourselves to these sanskrit names after all how many times have you worked hard in the pose in class? Is not the name part of the life of the posture?
There is a Classic Book on Yoga by Mr BKS Iyengar. It is called Yoga Dipika, translated as Light on Yoga. It has 600 photos of classical yoga postures with instructions and the benefits. Here is what is written for one of the most practiced postures in modern yoga.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Benefits
"When one is exhausted a longer stay in this pose removes fatigue and brings back lost energy. Thisnpose is especially good for runners who get tired after a hard race. Sprinters will develop spees and lightness in the legs. This pose relieves pain and stiffness in the heels and helps to soften calcaneal spurs. It strengthens the ankles and makes the legs shapely. The practice of this asana helps to eradicate stiffness in the region of the shoulder -blades, and arthritis of the shoulder joints in relieved. The abdominal organs are drawn towards the spine and strengthened. As the diaphragm is lifted to the chest cavity the rate of the heart beat is slowed down.

This is an exhilarating pose.Those who are afraid to do Sirsasana can conveniently practice this position. As the trunk is lowered in this asana it is fully stretched and healthy blood is brought to this region without strain on the heart. It rejuvenates the brain cells and invigorates the brain by relieving fatigue. Persons suffering from high blood pressure can do this pose."

In the Introduction of Light on Yoga it is written that Yoga is a union of our will with the will of God. How do we get from Dog Pose to God?  More musings coming soon- still getting my head/body around this one.